Protective cultures

Sacco company has been developing and testing protective cultures for over 20 years. Protective cultures selected by SACCO system help to improve the quality of dairy products. They help maintain freshness and do not change the taste, smell or texture of dairy products.They are based on a combination of strains that are used as a supplement to improve the formation of gases and flavors or to protect dairy products from undesirable microflora.

The protective cultures help control and protect the product from alteration and improve the shelf life. Seeing as they oppose the possible contaminants in a natural way they can be used in products with “clean label” claims because they are characterized by a natural bio-protection. They are added simultaneously with other cultures.

Within Sacco products range we offer four different types of protective cultures:

  • against yeast and moulds
  • against Listeria monocytogenes
  • against Clostridium sp.
  • against other spoilage microorganisms

 For more information click here:

Some examples – with and without 4PROTECTION cultures at 10°C for 42 days:

Please contact us for more information about our products.

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